The circular wire in figure below encircles solenoid in which the magnetic flux is increasing at a constant rate out of the plane of the page. The clockwise emf around the circular loop is $\varepsilon_{0}$. By definition a voltammeter measures the voltage difference between the two points given by $V_{b}-V_{a}=-\int \limits_{a}^{b} E \cdot d s$ We assume that $a$ and $b$ are infinitesimally close to each other. The values of $V_{b}-V_{a}$ along the path $1$ and $V_{a}-V_{b}$ along the path $2$ , respectively are


  • [KVPY 2020]
  • A


  • B

    $-\varepsilon_{0}, 0$

  • C

    $-\varepsilon_{0}, \varepsilon_{0}$

  • D

    $\varepsilon_{0}, \varepsilon_{0}$

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